
NVOCC is a term commonly used to denote a sea freight forwarding services without operating their own vessels.We provide Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) services to our customers to leverage their cargo movements. Our containers ranging for all required varieties including dry and special equipment.

We are a young and dynamic NVOCC with a wide experience in international transport. Our strong and reliable overseas network is geared to deliver cargo even to the remote destination. Our strength combined with the strengths of our world wide associates and agents enables us to obtain the most competitive rates from leading carriers. We can also handle ‘Groupage’ service and ‘consol’ service at all major ports in India.

i) NVOCC services offered in 15 locations in South East Asia, Middle East, and Indian Sub-Continent.

ii) Asset base of more than 1,000 containers.

iii) Focus on high volume trade lanes:

India – USA
India – China
India – UAE
India – Bangladesh
India – Middle East
India – Indonesia
Singapore – Malaysia
Malaysia – Bangladesh

iv) Our service scope is India, Pakistan, Bandar Abbas, Jebel Ali, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Shuwaikh, Shaiuba, Hamad, Dammam, Hodeidah, Aden, Colombo, Port Kelang, Singapore, Chittagong, Yangon, CIS destinations.

v) Well having now partnered with USA based NVOCC holding FMC LICENSE we have slot spaces and contract rates to USA which are much more competitive than the prevailing market rates.For USA focused Exporters from India, Macsons Shipping can facilitate the movement of their export shipments committed under any incoterms at a cheaper price and with much ease.

Welcome to Macsons Shipping.

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